Jenin: Young Man Dies of Wounds, Army Withdraws

A seriously injured Palestinian young man died of serious wounds, on Thursday morning, bringing the total number of those killed during the Israeli army’s assault against the northern West Bank city of Jenin and its refugee camp, to twelve.

According to Fawaz Hammad, the director of Al-Razi Hospital in Jenin, a Palestinian young man succumbed to serious wounds he sustained on Wednesday evening, during the Israeli army aggression against the city of Jenin and its refugee camp.

He added that the young man, Mustafa Ibrahim Musa Jabareen, 30, from the Jenin camp, died on Thursday morning after being shot by Israeli forces during a 48-hour-long incursion and assault on the city and its camp.

The death of the young man brings the total of number of Palestinians killed by Israeli forces to twelve, including four children.

The slain Palestinians were identified as;

1. Allam Ziyad Jaradat, 48,

2. Dr. Osaid Kamal Jabarin, 51,

3. Mahmoud Amjad Hamadna, 15, 

4. Osama Mohammad Hojeir, 16,

5. Amir Essam Abu Amira, 22,

6. Moammar Mohammad Abu Amira, 50,

7. Bassem Mahmoud Turkman, 53,

8. Jihad Mohammad Taleb, 38,

9. Sami Amin Ahmed Al-Qaisi, 18,

10. Mahmoud Fares Qarini, 16,

11. Waseem Ahed Jaradat, 15, and

12. Mustafa Ibrahim Musa Jabareen, 30.

Media sources said that the army withdrew from Jenin city on Thursday morning, leaving behind a massive trail of destruction to Palestinian-owned homes, vehicles, and vital infrastructure.

On Thursday afternoon, after the army’s withdrawal, thousands of local Palestinians participated in the funerals for the twelve slain men in the city.

Beginning in front of the Jenin Governmental Hospital, thousands of mourners gathered to receive the bodies of the twelve slain citizens, including four children.

Participants carried the bodies of the dead, who were shrouded in the Palestinian flag, on their shoulders while they marched the streets and chanted slogans of condemnation against the Israeli crimes in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

The funeral prayer was performed over the bodies in the Grand Mosque of Jenin, before they were laid to rest in cemeteries in the eastern and western neighborhoods of the city, the Jenin camp, and the town of Silat al-Harithiya, northwest of the city.

Media sources added that during its 2-day aggression against Jenin and its camp, in addition to the execution of twelve Palestinian citizens, Israeli forces shot and injured at least twenty others with live ammunition, and caused major destruction.

Soldiers fired “Energa” missiles causing damage to at least ten homes, demolished the home of a slain young man, caused destruction of vital infrastructure, electricity, water, and sewage networks, and many roads.

In addition, commercial shops, monuments, and vegetable stalls were damaged, and many citizens’ vehicles were destroyed.

Israeli forces have now killed 519 Palestinian civilians, including 129 children, while 20 Palestinians have been killed by illegal paramilitary Israeli colonizers, in various regions of the occupied West Bank, since October 7, 2023.

(Source / 24.05.2024)

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