Army Executes 7 Palestinians, Injures 15, in Jenin

Israeli forces killed, on Monday morning, seven Palestinians, including two children, a doctor, and a teacher, and injured at least fifteen others, including two seriously, in the Jenin refugee camp in the northern occupied West Bank.

Media sources said that a large army force, accompanied by a D-9 military bulldozer, front-end loaders, and excavators stormed the city of Jenin and its camp on Tuesday morning, from several axes, while reinforcements arrived at a later time; this is an ongoing situation.

A large number of military vehicles stormed the city from several directions, on Tuesday morning, while sharpshooters and undercover units were deployed, amid the overhead flight of reconnaissance drones, triggering protests among local Palestinian resistance fighters.

Exchanges of fire between resistance fighters and the army were said to be concentrated in the Jenin refugee camp and Wadi Burqin to the west of the city, while fighters also targeted the army’s heavy machinery with crude explosive devices.

The Arab 48 news website quoted the Ministry of Health which announced that seven Palestinians were killed and 15 others were injured, including two who continue to be in serious condition.

According to Wissam Bakr, the director of the Jenin Governmental Hospital, occupation forces shot and killed Dr. Aseed Kamal Jabareen, 51, a general surgery specialist at Jenin Hospital, targeting him in the vicinity of the hospital.

Soldiers killed the teacher, Allam Jaradat, 48, a former prisoner, who was on his way to work at the Walid Abu Muwais Basic School for Boys.

Two children, identified as Mahmoud Amjad Hamadna, 15, and Osama Mohammad Naeem Hujair, 16, were also shot and killed during the massive military incursion into the city and its camp.

Three more citizens, identified as Muammar Mohammad Deeb Abu Amira, 50, Amir Issam Mohammad Abu Amira, 22, and Bassem Mahmoud Saleh Turkman, 53, were also shot and killed by Israeli forces.

It is important to mention that Turkman is the brother of two slain young men, Mohammad, who was killed during the Israeli military invasion of the Jenin refugee camp in 2002, and Lotfi, who was killed during the first Intifada (uprising) which occurred between 1987 and 1993.

Meanwhile, occupation forces opened fire directly on the location where journalists gathered to cover the events, while Israeli sharpshooters shot Palestinian journalist, Amr Manasra, when they opened fire on everything that moved near the Martyr Khalil Suleiman Hospital.

Manasra was shot and injured by bullet fragments in the lower back, and his condition was described as stable.

It was added that a Palestinian paramedic was also shot and injured when occupation forces opened fire with live rounds, targeting an ambulance in the Jenin camp.

The Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS) ambulance crews reported that students were among the injured in Jenin, while the occupation army blocked them from reaching them.

Arab 48 quoted the director of ambulance and emergency services at the PRCS in Jenin said, “Our crews dealt with many casualties in Jenin, most of which were school students.”

According to Mustafa Hamarsheh, the medical director at Jenin Hospital, said that the number of medical staff is insufficient to deal with the large number of injuries, and that the army prevented ambulances from reaching the injured, in addition to blocking the entry of injured citizens and medical staff into hospitals.

Later it was reported that heavy machinery demolished a Palestinian-owned home in the Jenin camp, while bulldozers destroyed vital infrastructure in the vicinity of the Jenin Governmental Hospital.

The wife of the administrative detainee, Hani Barakat, and mother of the slain, Ahmad Barakat, stated that Israeli forces demolished their 280 square meter, two-storey home, shelter for 10 inhabitants, without any warning, denying its residents the ability of removing their belongings.

Media sources said that Ahmad Barakat was killed on March 20, 2024 along with three others, when an Israeli drone fired a missile at them near the camp.

(Source / 24.05.2024)

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