Army Ignites Large Fires in Occupied Jerusalem

Israeli forces stormed, before dawn on Wednesday, the Al-‘Isawiya neighborhood, in the northeastern part of occupied Jerusalem, igniting massive fires in the town.

Before dawn on Wednesday, Israeli forces invaded Al-‘Isawiya town, northeast of Jerusalem, sparking protests among Palestinian youths.

Media sources said that occupation forces fired tear gas canisters and concussion grenades towards citizens and their homes; no injuries were reported.

Later military reinforcements were later sent to the area, while soldiers used trucks to spray wastewater at citizens’ homes and vehicles.

Meanwhile, during the incursion, fires were ignited near Hebrew University, as a result of the army’s firing of tear gas canisters and concussion grenades.

In related news, occupation forces demolished two under-construction homes near Bethlehem, and an inhabited home in Hebron, both in the southern occupied West Bank.

(Source / 28.06.2024)

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