WAFA: Fate Of Palestinian Doctor Iyad al-Rantisi Is Still unknown

GAZA, Tuesday, June 18, 2024 (WAFA) – The Detainees and Ex-Detainees Affairs Commission and the Palestinian Prisoner society (PPS) said “They, as Palestinian authorities specialized in prisoners’ affairs, have no confirmation of the news regarding the death of the detainee, Dr. Iyad Ahmed Muhammad al-Rantisi, 53, from Gaza.”

They said in joint in a statement, “Also, his family has not been informed until today about the fate of their son, who has been detained since November 10, 2023.”

According to Dr. al-Rantisi’ family, their son, a father of three children, who is the head of the maternity department at Kamal Adwan Hospital, did not suffer from any diseases or health problems before his detention.

The occupation detained al-Rantissi at a military checkpoint during the ground invasion of Gaza, adding al-Rantissi’s brother was also detained by Israeli forces last January.

PPS and the Commission said that the occupation, since the beginning of their ongoing aggression against the Palestinian people in the Strip, has imposed a policy of enforced disappearance against Gaza detainees, and refuses to this day to disclose their identities and the circumstances of their detentions.

They further pointed out to the shocking and horrific testimonies from released detainees who were subjected to various forms of torture and maltreatment. PPS and the Commission affirmed that some of the detainee in Gaza came out of the occupation detention centers with limb amputations.

It is noteworthy that the occupation detained thousands of civilians in the Gaza Strip, and it had recently admitted that it had detained at least 4,000 and released 1,500 of them.

PPS and the Commission renewed their calls for opening an investigation under international supervision into the crimes and grave violations committed against detainees and prisoners in the occupation’s prisons and camps.

(Source / 21.06.2024)

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