Army Abducts 19 Palestinians in the West Bank

Israeli forces abducted at least nineteen Palestinians, including former prisoners, and a child, in various regions of the occupied West Bank.

On Thursday morning, an undercover Israeli unit (Musta’ribeen) infiltrated the the “Al-Marah” neighborhood in the center of Jenin city, in the northern occupied West Bank.

Military reinforcements then stormed the city of Jenin and the Jenin refugee camp from all entrances, triggering protests among local Palestinians.

Soldiers invaded and ransacked the homes of three former prisoners, Ahmad Asaad Al-Nabhan, Yahya Yousef Al-Jaafar, and Amir Salah, before abducting them in the eastern region of the city and the “Al-Marah” neighborhood.

In the central West Bank, Israeli forces stormed the village of Beit Sira, west of Ramallah, and abducted seven Palestinians, including two former prisoners.

Media sources said that on Thursday morning, the army broke into and searched the homes of two former prisoners identified as Montaser Ali Hamdan and Mohammad Yasser Hamdan.

Soldiers also abducted two brothers, Jihad Hamdan and Nihad Hamdan, in addition to Khalil Mohammad Abu Safiya, Akram Ali Alqam, and Ahmad Ayoub Akl, after invading and searching their homes.

Meanwhile, soldiers invaded the town of Beitunia, west of Ramallah, and abducted two unidentified Palestinians while they were passing through the town.

In the southern West Bank, occupation forces abducted, on Wednesday night, four Palestinian citizens, including a child, in the Bethlehem governorate.

Media sources said that soldiers invaded and searched the home of the child, Saif al-Din Abd al-Rahman Darwish, 14, before abducting him from the Aida refugee camp, north of Bethlehem.

In the village of Marah Rabah, south of the city, the army abducted the young men, Yasser Ali Ahmed al-Sheikh, and Mohammad Mahmoud Ali al-Sheikh, after storming and searching their homes.

After breaking into and searching the home of Yazan Mohammad Musa Shteiwi, occupation forces abducted him from the village of Al-Shawara.

Furthermore, Israeli forces invaded, on Thursday morning, several areas in the southern West Bank governorate of Hebron, and abducted three Palestinian citizens.

Media sources said that soldiers invaded the city of Hebron and abducted the former prisoner, Dr. Aziz Al-Dweik, noting that he had recently been released from occupation prison.

North of the city, a large army force stormed the town of Beit Ummar, broke into a citizen’s home, detained and assaulted its residents, and abducted Jamil Ahmad Hamid Zaqeq, 29.

It was added that the army, accompanied by police dogs, invaded and ransacked several citizens’ homes in the governorate.

After storming and ransacking the family home of the Nassar family, in the town of Doura, southwest of Hebron, detained two residents, abducted one, and stole money from the home.

It was added that soldiers detained two citizens with the goal of pressuring the young man, Thaer Mohammad Kamel Nassar, whom they subsequently abducted.

Since the beginning of Israel’s military onslaught against the Gaza Strip since October 7, 2023, Israeli forces have abducted more than 9,300 Palestinian citizens, including women and children, in all governorates of the occupied West Bank.

(Source / 21.06.2024)

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