Palestinian hunger striker Ayman Al-Tabeesh facing medical crisis

Palestinian detainee Ayman Al-Tabeesh, now on open hunger strike for 84 days, is facing serious threats to his health, al-Tabeesh’s family reported.

The International Committee of the Red Cross met with his mother and brothers in their Ramallah office and informed them of his deteriorating health, expressing deep concern for his life, following their visit with him in Assaf Harofe Hospital.

Al-Tabeesh’s mother reported that her son was experiencing weakness in his heart and breathing troubles and had been connected to a ventilator. He also is suffering dizziness, severe headaches, and bodily pain. He has been warned by doctors that he is at risk of a heart attack if he continues his strike. Al-Tabeesh has been on strike for 84 days since February 28, 2014 in protest of his renewed administrative detention.

The Muhja Jerusalem Foundation released his mother’s comments, calling upon human rights organizations to take up his cause and expose the racist practices of the occupation towards Palestinian prisoners.

Al-Tabeesh, 34, has been arrested repeatedly and spent over 10 years in Israeli prisons. He was arrested last on May 9, 2013 and transferred to administrative detention. He engaged in a 105-day hunger strike which was suspended following an agreement with the prison administration to not renew his administrative detention.

Contrary to the agreement, his detention was again renewed without charge or trial, prompting his resumed hunger strike.

(Source / 24.05.2014)

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